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CSTG's Nigerian Subsidiary Fully Prepared for the Prevention of COVID-19
Release time: 2020.03.02 Source: CSTG

According to a statement from the Nigerian center for disease control,Nigeria's health ministry confirmed a new case of COVID-19 infection in Lagos state on February 27, This is the first case in Nigeria since the new coronavirus outbreak began in China in January 2020, and the first in Sub-Saharan Southern Africa.

Since the outbreak and spread of the coronavirus in China, the CSTG Nigerian subsidiary has been continuously paying attention to the situation of the coronavirus in Nigeria and the domestic prevention and control measures. In view of the current situation of the coronavirus in Nigeria, the subsidiary has actively communicated with the Chinese embassy in Nigeria and the China Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria and formulated a prevention plan. Meanwhile, the subsidiary has received the support from CSTG headquarters immediately, and now a number of urgently purchased COVID-19 diagnose test are on its way.

According to the deployment requirements of the headquarters for the prevention and control of the outbreak of the coronavirus, Nigerian subsidiary has coordinated all the staff to actively participate in the epidemic prevention work while ensuring the usual security work intensity for all the service projects that are in performance, and makes the following major work deployment:

1. Strengthen the leadership and command strength of the subsidiary managers;

2. Strengthen personnel management and control for all the access of the project site. On the basis of comprehensively ensuring the security intensity of the project, a 24-hour personnel shall be assigned to take temperature measurements work and strictly registration management shall be taken concerning about all the entry and exit personnel;

3. Strengthen the health management of the local employees. They are required to wear masks while on duty and avoid public places where people gathering after work. In case there is a fever, rough cough and other symptoms of COVID-19, it should be immediately reported to the superior and taken home isolation observation as quickly as possible;

4. Strengthen logistic support for the project site. Assist each project unit to upgrade the level of disinfection and sterilization in public places, to stock up on the necessities of life in order to reduce unnecessary going-out;

5. Call on the local staff for actively purchasing adequate masks;

6. Actively publicize the knowledge of the prevention and control of COVID-19, especially to obtain the understanding and support of the local staff. We encourage employees to get the relevant reports of the official and authoritative media and never believe the rumors.